The Dr. Will Show Podcast

Stephanie Rothstein (@Steph_EdTech) - How To Become An Educational Consultant: Get Comfortable Not Being Comfortable

Episode Summary

On this episode, I Zoom in Stephanie Rothstein, and we chat about her journey to the classroom and how she found herself working as an educational consultant.

Episode Notes

Stephanie Rothstein is an EdTech Consultant, Public Speaker, Google Innovator and Trainer, and currently serves the Los Gatos-Saratoga Union High School District as an EdTech TOSA (Teacher on Special Assignment). She is also the Co-Chair for the LEAD@LG pathway and teaches English 9 in LEAD@LG. 

Some of her recent work: My TEDX talk, “My Year of Yes to Me” was recently published on My article "3 Lessons from Online Learning to Take Back to the Classroom" was just published on July 27 on Edutopia.  Her lessons have also been referenced in Emma Pass' recent publication of The Hybrid Teacher Survival Guide. And her most recent project, Can We Talk Edu focuses on using personality and learning style as a way to guide grouping, feedback and connection in the classroom. 

She is the founder of multiple support groups for Educators seeking to grow their digital skills: Global GEG and GEG California (NorCal). 

She advocates for always modeling the risks we expect of our students and worked over this last year to earn her Admin credential and strives to always support others on their journeys.

If you are seeking EdTech Consulting and support, Stephanie is happy to help. Please click here and message her for information. Follow her on Twitter @Steph_EdTech